"A Great Tsunami is Coming!"
by Kathi Pelton
from The War Room (a ministry
of Pat Coking's)
A Fresh Pentecost
Baptist" cry over the nation that is crying, "Prepare the way
of the Lord". The
Lord is desiring to release on
blow upon you...a wind of His Spirit.
God is about to release on
wisdom by teaching to you the fear of the Lord. The fear of man, this
world, the
future and every other fear will be broken off of you as you ask Him for
the gift
of the fear of the Lord.
Do Not Lower Your Sails!
The Lord says, "I have come to blow the wind of My Holy Spirit
into your sails,
inheritance if you will not lower your sails as the winds come. The enemy
try to convince you that the winds (and storms) are too fierce for you.
He will
try to get you to "lower your sails". The winds are too strong
for you apart from
me, but if you will put your fear in Me, I will carry you upon the winds
waves, and they will not overcome you, but you will ride higher than you
ever ridden before. Abide in the shadow of My
wings and nothing will harm you.
I will be the One to steady you and teach you how to ride the wind of My
in the coming days. Eagles wait for the storm winds because they know
they can fly higher and farther on strong winds with less effort. I will
teach you
to fly like the eagles
Do not lower your sails! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom, and
the Lord is releasing the wisdom of how to posture yourselves in the
days. Prepare for a fresh wind of the Spirit to sweep across the nation.
A great
"Tsunami" is coming! Abide in the Lord, and He will teach you
to ride it rather
then be crushed by it. You will then be lifted up higher then you ever
by Kathi Pelton
from The War Room (a ministry of Pat Coking's)
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