Dear Bro. Ralph,
Praise God that this word can bless the body of Christ.
I know you are a righteous stewart
of His Word and give you permission
to use it however it would give glory to our Jesus.
In His labor of love, jeff ching
The Church Prophetic
given to: Jeff Ching,
jeffrey ching
II Ki 6:1-2
1 And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place
where we dwell with thee is too strait for us.
2 Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a
beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he
answered, Go ye. (KJV)
The call has gone out and is now marching through the hearts of many
of his prophetic people. Will you rise up in this hour and labour to
bring forth the Church prophetic? In the times of Elisha
there was
need to expand the school of the prophets for their dwelling places
became to cramped because of the great influx of student prophets.
Elijah had started these schools but it was during the Elisha
portion) era that great increase had come. This is the day of double
portion equipping and preparing us to receive without measure that
which will soon to be poured forth on His church.
The Word of God to His prophetic laborers *based* on
2 Ki.6:1-2
There was a very large company of prophetic people that started
out to bring back beams needed for the enlargement of the prophetic in
the house of God. As they set out on their journey, prophets led the
way to where these large timbers would be found.
A few hours into their journey the group came upon a large
meadow. This meadow was very beautiful and restful. It had a
beautiful stream running through it and you could feel the presence
and peace of God round about. Flowers decorated the landscape and a
sweet, cool, gentle breeze refreshed their soul. Many said to
themselves "this surely is where God has called me to for there is so
much peace and beauty here". They separated themselves from the group
and started to build themselves shelters and homes to dwell in.
A much smaller group proceeded on, walking for hours and hours
following the prophets of God. After what seemed like eternity they
came upon a beautiful river. Here they jumped in to wash the dust and
dirt from off them and to drink of its pure clean waters. Sore feet
were refreshed with these waters and the peace and majesty of God was
They started to play in the river having great fun and relaxation.
When it was time to journey on many wanted to just enjoy the river so
left from following the group. They too started to build dwelling
places and were satisfied to live next to the river that brought so
much cleansing, refreshment and enjoyment to their lives.
A very small company proceeded on and soon came to the place
where God had shown the prophets. Just ahead of them rose forth a
mountain of great majesty and near it's summit were
trees suitable for
the beams needed for the enlarging of the prophetic
The excitement grabbed ahold of each person and they
started to
attack the mountain with great zeal in their effort to reach the top.
The sides of the mountain was covered with talus
that made their
ascent extremely difficult. They would take four steps up and slide
back three. Many lost their balance and fell backwards losing much
of the ground they had gained. A few said "this is too hard for us"
and started to turn back.
A shout came up from someone who was able to go a little way up
the side of the mountain. The person pointed to a very small but
clear path that seemed to wind up the side of the mountain,
disappearing about half way up. It's entrance was
hidden but could be
seen from part way up the mountain. The majority of the group quickly
left the mountain for the ease and safety of the path. As they
marched up this path they were praising God for a way of escape from
the hardships of trying to climb such a difficult mountain. Some even
started to run up this path with renewed vigor
occasionally looking
back at the slower climbers.
As they reach the place where the path went around the backside of
the mountain great disappointment unfolded before their very eyes.
The path had abruptly ended and shear cliffs made it impossible to
venture forward or off the path. With great disappointment they
turned around and headed back down the path.
The small group that was left trying to scale the mountain were
making almost effortless strides up the mountain side. They had come
to a place of need in helping one another. The Lord had worked them
together as one man, with one common goal. As they pushed and pulled
each other up, not only did the ground beneath them become firm but
their strength became supernatural. Together, they soon arrived where
the great trees were and quickly secured the timbers needed. Their
shoulders were prepared and the large timbers seemed but a light load.
They quickly descended the mountain and came upon those that had
taken the path. Seeing the strength of the beams, and having a
renewed vision, Those from the way of the path said
"let us come with
you we will help you build". The mercy of the Lord had so worked in
the hearts of those who had ascended to the top of the mountain,
judgments were made to those who had left for the easy path.
Shortly they came upon those by the river, and many seeing that
the beams were secured also said "let us come with you we will help
you build". For, though they had been greatly refreshed, they
realized the need to return to the building of the prophetic church,
for that was their first assignment.
Before they reached the meadow they came upon a group that had
gotten lost for they had not wanted to follow the prophets of God but
their own way. They too said "let us help you build". These had seen
that without the greater company of prophets, nothing would be
accomplished. They too were welcomed with mercy and grace.
So likewise said the people of the meadow "let us
help you build".
For though they had enjoyed the peace and joy of the meadow, they
too had seen something was missing from their lives. They longed to
renew the fellowship with their brethren, and see the great house
built. They all returned as a very large company to build the
See Scriptures: Matthew 20:l-16, Luke 15:11-24
Posted for your encouragement to the glory of The Lord Jesus
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