(given in
The Lord told me to look toward
And He said: what do you see? And I said I see a
simmering pot. The Lord God spoke to my heart
and said that this simmering pot is only barely
overflowed. But I say that in this hour this
simmering pot is about to be tipped over to the south.
It will be tipped over and will literally go out
to the south with a power and the presence of God. It
will literally go and do a complete circle,
from one end of the earth to the other, saith the Lord.
For the simmering pot of my Glory that I have been
simmering and placing all the ingredients of
my Holy Spirit in is about to be tipped over, says the
Lord. I am about to tip you out just as
David took the cup of water that the mighty men
brought to him and he poured it out upon the
earth. So shall I pour out my Glory from you, says the
This soil, says the Lord, shall be an apostolic
prophetic ground. From you shall spring forth the
apostolic and prophetic to build My Church in these
last days, says the Lord. Even as Elijah was a
Tishbite and Paul said I was
a Benjamite, so shall we say, 'I am of
prophetic great utterance of power shall come from
this country, says the Lord. For I have
ordained it. I have even preserved it for this hour.
I've preserved this country for this hour, says
the Lord.
shall not be a revival that has an ending, says the
Lord. The only ending shall be the beginning of
the new millennium, the new reign of My Kingdom. There
is no ending of this coming revival, says
the Lord. There is no ending. It's not here, then
there, then waiting for the next phase. For this
revival, says the Lord, shall just keep on going until
eternity. The only finish line is eternity, says
the Lord. The only finish line to this race is
eternity. So lift up your heads that hang down, says
the Lord. For this is your hour For this is your hour, says the Lord. This is your hour to
run the
race, to keep your eyes set on Christ.
Is there any weight of sin that so easily besets
you? I have given you the grace to throw it off. I
have given you the grace to run like a long distance
runner. I have given you the grace and the
power of My Spirit to do exploits
in this world, says the Lord. This is your hour. This is your hour.
And the simmering pot of My Glory is about to be
tipped up. Within this year, it shall begin to tip
and as the new year dawns
upon you, it shall crash down upon the earth and My Glory shall wash
to the south, says the Lord. Across this nation and
down into
around the world until it comes back in its full
circle, says the Lord.
Watch it and see if it will not come to pass. In Jesus Mighty Name!
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