This is Pastor Rich Carey's vision for the body of Christ,
It is posted here with his permission. There is a link to his home page
at the bottom. It is definitely worth a visit.
I have a vision.
I look forward with anxious expectation
for the day when
& Christians no longer bite and devour one another through endless strife, bitterness, un-forgiveness and jealousy, but rather seek to bless one another in the selfless love of Jesus Christ.
& Christians no longer divide themselves into fortified strongholds
of doctrinal division, but rather see themselves first and foremost as
citizens of the
& Christians no longer seek the temporal pleasures of this world, falling prey to its lusts and deception, but rather seek first the Kingdom of God and the righteousness that flows from the reign of Christ in their lives.
& Christian leaders no longer rule over the people of God, controlling and manipulating them for the purposes of building their own empires, but rather come under them as a firm foundation of righteousness, pushing them ever higher into the purposes for which God has created them.
& Christians no longer empower the forces of darkness by assaulting their fellow brothers and sisters in the faith, but rather seek to join together with all who name Jesus Christ as Lord, regardless of style, to advance the Kingdom of Light in their city and region.
& Christians no longer render carnal judgment on the basis of outward appearance, but rather walk in true spiritual discernment in accordance with the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of His fruit.
& Christians no longer worship according to the empty traditions of human experience, but rather out of an intimate relationship with Christ, in Spirit and in truth.
& Christians are no longer satisfied with the minor spiritual victory of a healthy church or even a conquered city, but are not content until the whole earth is filled with the glory of God.
& Christians no longer see their spiritual leaders as superhuman beings, to be either exalted or assaulted according to their deeds, but rather as weak and foolish vessels that God has sovereignly chosen to represent Him in all their frailty.
& Christians no longer see the enemy as a fearsome, un-stoppable, conquering foe, but rather as a fallen being whose power is draining, whose kingdom is shrinking, whose influence is waning, and whose end is even now in sight.
& Christian leaders no longer seek to build their own kingdoms by claiming ownership of Gods precious people and resources, but rather seek to build the Kingdom of God by investing all that God has given them into that which brings His life and light into this world.
& Christians no longer see salvation and eternal life as a final destination, but merely a beginning step towards the goal of manifesting the very likeness of Christ before the whole of creation.
& Christians no longer slumber while waiting for the Great Escape, but rather diligently labor in the business of the King until He returns in the clouds.
& Christians no longer relegate the miraculous, supernatural workings of God to another age - past or future, but rather live in the faith that God is the I AM, the same yesterday, today and forever and is no respecter of persons.
& The world no longer sees a weak, pathetic, unloving, impotent, hypocritical Church, but rather a powerful, loving, fruitful, multi-colored, multi-gifted tribe of people who walk in truth and integrity, exhibiting the very nature and essence of the One who lives within them.
& The Church is so filled with the manifest Presence of Christ and His healing substance that the world beats a path to her door, coming in reverential awe to receive the divine touch of His hand.
& The Army of God is marching throughout the earth, possessing the land, striking fear into the hearts of every enemy of God, making the Kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ.
Does this vision sound possible to you?
& If not, perhaps you have grown weary in doing good, and its time for you to seek hard after the refreshing presence of God.
& If not, perhaps you have been wounded, and its time for you to forgive your transgressors as you have been forgiven and love them as Christ loves you.
& If not, perhaps you are living in the glory of the past and its time for you to leave it behind and get a fresh vision for the future.
& If not, perhaps you have been snared by defeatist theology, and its time for you to throw your old Bible away, buy a new one, and read it through a new pair of glasses.
& If you think this is possible, I invite
you to join with me and multitudes of others in the
For more information, please contact:
Lionheart Ministries
(208) 785-4879
© 1997 Lionheart Ministries
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