19:40 CST Nov 7, 2008

I had a vision of a Spiritual weapon firing in a semicircle with a
simultaneous release of energy in narrow laser like beams starting in the
east, rising up and over central Canada and descending to the west.

range = 7 x 500 Km (complete (7) x grace (5) x 100 hundred-fold)

I am calling the hemisphere that was created "Pneumosphere"
This sphere of the Holy Spirit's release of energy breaks the power of the
enemy to a range of 3500 Km and 3500 Km high over central Canada.
3500 Km more than covers all the portals to Canada and includes all of
the USA (a portion of western Alaska is not covered), Mexico, Belize,
Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. (interesting that the outer limits
of the weapons range is El Salvidor [The Savior])

The seven circles from the epicenter are

1) "There is one God"

2) "Fellowship" with God is available to every one who accepts it.

3) "Trinty  This revelation of fellowship is with the Trinity (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit)

4) " light or revelation"  "Let there be light" Four is the number of light (revelation) This is a
      release of light or revelation of God's grace, love, and His desire for fellowship with us.

5) Five is the number of Grace. Grace is released to enable mankind to enter into
     this revelation of salvation, deliverance, and fellowship.

6) Six is the number of man. Only through grace (5) can man approach the light (4),
    the Trinity (3), and fellowship (2) with God (1).

7) Seven is the number of perfection, completeness, holiness and the Holy Spirit (Rev 4:5)

When the laser lights fired out from central Canada they reached out to a
range of 3500 Kms in a semicircle. The semicircle rose up to its highest
point over Manitoba and descended to the west forming a semicircle out to a
range of 3500 Kms.

The highest point of the semicircle is over central Canada (Manitoba). This
light is a spiritual weapon destroying the power and works of the enemy
beyond the atmosphere, the ionosphere, out to what I am calling the
Pneumosphere. Since the highest point is over central Canada I believe that
God's presence will be felt most here at the epicentre. This laser light
weapon destroys the work and effect of the satan and his demons and  blinds them
so that they cannot see what God or His saints are doing.
I expect that deliverance and freedom from demonic interference will be the
strongest at the epicentre.

19:40 CST Nov 7, 2008

To understand what I "saw" imagine or actually make a folded paper fan
spread it out to a semicircle lay it down flat, facing away from you to the east.
Keeping the flat edge of the fan on the table, slowly raise the outer edge of
the fan until it is upright, then continue until it is flat in the opposite direction.
In your mind's eye imagine the hemisphere that the fan has described by its motion
That hemisphere is the "bubble" or arch of righteousness that I believe the
Holy Spirit has created and under which, protected from the enemy,  we
will experience the revelation and revival.
I'm not an artist, and MSPaint isn't the best drawing tool, but I have
drawn a representation of what I "saw" .