from 2014

A friend of God


I think we may have missed the whole point of what God wants for us.

We have so majored on ministry, ministry gifts, and intercession that we

missed His first purpose for creating us. From the garden of Eden he

has wanted friends and family.  For me it is a paradigm shift that

began a year ago (Jan 2014) just after the New Year. God's first desire is that we

become friends. 


Adam and Eve in the garden had only one calling. To walk, talk, fellowship

with Him.  That is, to be His friends. That is it. The whole purpose of creating

them was for friendship!


God spoke to Moses "as to a friend" Ex 33:11

Abraham got the message and he was called "the friend of God" Jas 2:23

Micah got the message: 

     Mic 6:8  He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;

and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly,

and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?


First and foremost He wants our friendship.  Out of our fellowship with Him

we will, as His friends, discover the desires of His heart.  As His friends the

desires of His heart will become our desires and we will do whatever it takes to

please Him:  All the gifts of The Spirit to individuals, or to the Church, function to

enable us to fulfill the desires of our hearts that we developed in His company.


To be His friend is all He asks of us.


The only epitaph I desire is:  "He was a friend of God"


Whenever I go out on a limb to say what I believe God is saying I always appreciate when

I find confirmation from another source.  This quotation showed up on Face book today (Dec 13, 2016)

from Derek Prince


quote:  "I sometimes long to get away from all the Theology

and all the religious formalities and just have a relationship

of being God's friend _ walking with Him and enjoying His company.

I really believe God loves to be enjoyed by His people."


Derek Prince.


Today, November 10, 2017, this was posted on Facebook


L.R. Niebergall


If I could only teach one message in my lifetime, it would be about friendship with God.

No matter what season of life we are in, this is where it all begins and where is all comes back to.

Whether we are hidden, being trained, or influencing the masses on grand platforms,

Knowing the Lord as a friend should always be our primary priority.




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