Re: Canadian Awakening
Date: Thu,
From: Doug Patterson <>
We don't have a site yet but we planning one for the
near future.
Yes go ahead and post the
Are you only interested in prophetic words for
ten art pictures (visions) Doug has had along with the ten prophecies to go
with them. We plan to put them on our site.
Linda Patterson
The Canadian Awakening
As seen in a vision by Doug Paterson, while at a prophetic conference in
Doug entered a trance and had a vision of a man lying in a
maple forest covered in leaves. As he watched the man slowly arose and wih
leaves clutched in his hands started to walk across the nation. Each step
took him to a different province. In his hands were clutched bunches of
leaves. As he threw these leaves to the ground, fires would spring up. Doug
is an artist as well as a prophetic seer. He painted a watercolor
which we
have had reproduced and has become very well know as 'The Canadian Awakening'.
Awaken now Body of Christ. Your nostrils are filled with
the Spirit of the Lord for I have forced my breath into your
lungs. Breathe deep and long so you may rise up and possess
this land.
Take hold of the maple leaf that I have placed in each hand
and do not let go. My wind of blessing is removing the blanket
of leaves which cover your body. They are blowing across
as a crimson fire with a fresh anointing of power. Pray that the
wind intensify the flames allowing my fire to spread forth to
the nations.
Stand up and take captive every promise that I have written upon
your heart. Move out in newness of vision and purpose. I have heard
your cry to follow me. Begin to march to the sound of the trumpets.
Be strong and courageous as my work is completed in the unity of my
Ralph's note:
Most prophetic words are conditional and this is no exception: NOTE the
"Take hold ...and do not let go."
"Stand up and take captive every promise"
"Move out"
"Begin to march to the sound of the trumpets."
"Be strong and courageous"
"work ... in the unity of my Spirit."
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