Prophecies For Canada This Time!, prophetic
word, August 24-September 7, 2003
-- Peggy I. Kennedy
Deferred hope has layered our
Upon completion and once home again, we found ourselves deluged both with
dismay over things that didn't happen and grief over what would now never be!
We were about to enter our 8th year of this mandate of ministry, yet that only
brought our agony to sharp focus. Where were the promises? Where was our
future? Had we only begun to now come to an abrupt and unfruitful end?
On August 24, we were among worshipers at our home church, Jesus First
Ministries, in
At that point he declared: "This time..." Suddenly in my spirit those
words reverberated as if a mighty cedar tree had been split open (Ps.
29:5) my spirit I knew the force of that declaration: THIS TIME was
creating an opening in the heavenlies directly into
our nation. I shouted back to Afred, "This
time...!" He shouted it back to me...I shouted it back to him...and as he
said it one more time, it was now established into both my spirit and into the heavenlies.
The sequel to that moment was on September 7 as we were driving on the #401 to
a church to preach...the Lord had instructed me the night before that I was to
release that word to the congregation. They actually became as a "press
conference" to receive the word into the nation. We had known incredible
development in the 14 days since the word was released. Propelled by the
declaration we were now positioned in new relationship with Jesus First
Ministries as Itinerate Ministers going forth from that house to the
nation(s)...and as per the Lord's instruction, our house was on the market to
make possible a move to
THIS Moses who had known a 40-year agony of delay, disappointment,
temptation to disillusionment, and presumed disqualification arrived to his
burning bush, he heard heaven's message: "THIS TIME...!" Joshua now
walks under the same declaration as a new generation crosses over to enter in
to possess the inheritance. They've now buried the last corpse of unbelief and
can lay down their shovel and pick up their sword. The wanderers will become
warriors; the sojourners will become soldiers; and the aimless company will
become the army of God.
Hearing God declare: "THIS TIME" is very different to hearing Him
say, "It is time..." That would speak of a virgin expectation
untainted with any previous taste of failure or history of broken expectations.
But it's quite different to hear God declare: "THIS TIME..." That
word has echoed through the record of scripture: Ask Joseph about it who has
endured the betrayal of his brothers, the false accusation and injustice in Potiphar's house, the confinement of his destiny in a
prison, and the ungrateful forgetfulness of a fellow prisoner now released. But
his moment comes and he hears God say, "THIS TIME"...
Ask David about this. He has already walked in the awe of the anointing and
knew the exhilaration of God's victory. But he has been run off from the palace
into the wilderness by the insanity of Saul. Would he remain a vessel of the
anointing ...a man after God's own heart? Or, would the injustice of the desert
contaminate his own spirit?
He has endured the suppression of Saul without forfeiting the purity of his
heart. He passed the test...and he hears heaven summon him from caves and
desert trails to the throne: "THIS TIME..."
It is my conclusion that we now stand in a new season in
Around 1776 this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British
Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in
Could this prophecy, delivered over 200 years ago, be a confirmation of a
prophetic word concerning
Dr. Yonggi Cho - Excerpts
from messages' given in 1975 and 1984 in
Evangel Tabernacle,
"When I came to
"Being a Canadian is now a welcome hallmark throughout the whole world…You
have the welcome open door like the
At a church growth seminar, Dr. Yonggi
Cho reiterated the earlier prophecy, and adding to
it: "Five years ago I visited
"But wherever I went, the Holy spirit spoke in my heart that God was going
to raise up tremendous churches in Canada and that Canada would be used as a
missionary sending country, and that Canada would open the way for Jesus Christ
to return to this earth."
"I was afraid to confess that, but when I was praying….the Spirit of the
Lord would impress my heart to say it. I was afraid because I already thought
(The magnitude of recent Canadian missionary and church planting endeavors + the outpouring of the Spirit, which began at
the Airport Vineyard and is touching every nation in the world, could represent
the beginning of the fulfillment of Dr. Yonggi Cho's prophecies.)
Smith Wigglesworth and Charles S. Price
Though this account cannot be substantiated by documentation, it is relayed by
James Watt who was one of the leaders in Latter Rain Revival in
In the 1920's Smith Wigglesworth and Dr. Charles S
Price foretold of a significant revival in
James Watt can be contacted at
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