The Field of Stumps
Barbara Miron
Hay River NWT
During a time of prayer for restoration in God's
people, I began to ask God about areas of my life that had flourished in the
past, but now seemed to be dormant or dead. I could never understand the reason
for these losses. I got a vision of a stump in a field with only a few inches
of dry wood above ground but lots of life in the roots. I understood this to be
a picture of my life. Then I saw a few green shoots spring up from the stump,
and I knew that it would grow into a verdant tree.
The vision expanded, and I saw thousands and thousands of stumps in the field.
These too had nothing above ground, but lots of life in their roots. I began to
pray for restoration for the Christians these stumps represented. I began to
feel deep pain, an identification with the wounds and
terrible memories these stumps carried. I understood that none of these former
trees had become stumps all at once, but gradually. Repeated blows by axes,
saws and bulldozers had reduced them one branch, one section, at a time. Like
me, these thousands of stumps also felt bereaved and didn't understand why all
of this had happened.
Then as the vision expanded again, I saw the field of stumps at a later point
in time. The stumps were now a lush forest with abundant fruit on the trees.
All kinds of creatures dwelt in the shade provided by the forest. It was alive
with bird songs, fragrant scents and beautiful colours. The forest floor was a
carpet of grass and flowers. It was an absolutely wonderful place.
Again the vision expanded, and I saw that all around this lush forest was a
total wasteland, all black and charred as if it had been through a forest fire.
I understood that an intense fire had been through the area, and all of the
lofty trees had been completely destroyed. However, the stumps in the field had
been unharmed because they had nothing above ground to burn. After the fire,
they sprang up from the roots and stood out as a place of refuge and beauty in
the midst of utter desolation all around.
It was quite a revelation to me that all of the blows that have pruned me down
to a stump were, in fact, God's great lovingkindness
and tender care. He has been gently and lovingly preparing His people to survive
the fires ahead and preparing us to be a place of refuge after the fires burn.
Isaiah 6: 11-13; Isaiah 10: 33 - 11: 5.
Barbara Miron
Hay River NWT
Ralph's note
I see a connection between these two dreams.
As I read them, the thought that got my attention was this:
In "Stumps": It was God who was humbling His servant's so that
they would not be harmed by the the forest fire.
In "Firestorms" The people were being warned by His prophets,
those who obeyed and humbled themselves were protected.
There is more symbolism connecting the two, but we will let the Holy Spirit
reveal what is significant for you.
Barbara Miron
Huge fireballs were falling from the sky. People were
calling them firestorms, and they were striking terror into hearts. I stood in
the downtown area of my community and watched fire fall from the sky and
consume part of the town to the east. I felt overwhelming fear and grief for
the people who had died. I kept telling people that the only way to survive
these firestorms was to find a basement and lie down, prostrate, on the cement
floor. Some people were willing to do this, but many weren't.
Soon, there was no more time for warnings. I went to a basement where several
people were lying on the floor. I knew that others were in basements in other
houses. As I lay on the floor, I couldn't see anything, but I could feel the
cold hard concrete on my body. We had to lay there for some time and wait
before the fireball came. Then the basement began to shake, and I could hear a
deafening roar as the fireball passed overhead. Even though this was a
terrifying experience, those of us in basements were totally unharmed. We
didn't even feel any heat.
Some time after the noise and shaking stopped, we began to get up and climb the
stairs. What I saw above ground was so horrifying. There were no buildings
left, just smoking black ruins. There were many dead bodies scattered about.
People that were still alive had second and third degree burns all over their bodies.
They were screaming in agony, but there was nothing anyone could do to help
them. There was no pain medication available. The hospital and all emergency facilties were gone. There was no more community
infrastructure. The firestorm had brought utter,utter devastation.
I woke up so gripped by the fear of the Lord, yet also thankful that He is
providing a refuge in the midst of the fire. This is one of the most vivid
dreams I have ever had.
Barbara Miron
Hay River NWT
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