The J.A.T.O. Eagle
“I see God strapping rockets to your ankles”
interpretation: J.A.T.O.
definitions: military J.A.T.O. = jet assisted take off
spiritual J.A.T.O. = Jesus assisted take off
The JATO Eagle doesn’t need to wait for the thermals of praise and worship
to lift him up into the presence of the Lord for instructions or orders.
The JATO Eagle doesn’t need to wait for the winds of the Spirit in response to
extended prayer to take off and go to work.
The JATO Eagle is able to take off and fly or soar and maneuver on command.
He doesn’t have to wait for, or only be able to respond to the vagaries of thermals and breezes.
The JATO Eagle is not limited to the heights he can reach. Neither the heights of the
thermals, nor the strength of the wind, are limitations to the heights he can reach in
God’s presence, faith, or revelation.
The JATO Eagle is ready and able to respond to His commandments any time day or night
, regardless of the weather. Ps 32:8, he has a G.P.S. (God provided Spirit) guidance system,
not subject to enemy smokescreens or storms.
The JATO Eagle is responsible to be ready & available 24 / 7.
The JATO Eagle is given special privileges:
instant access to the Father,
instant readiness for warfare, or fishing,
unlimited revelation (within his territory) of the Father’s will,
supernatural guidance, (
divinely powerful weapons.
Ralph Beamish