The Grace of God was at work long before we knew that we had
need of it.
Be encouraged He has made plans and provision for you too!
1) Lynne inherited a little house at Hamiota from her
Dad's estate
about two years ago. (At the time that represented a quite a
relief because some layoffs were pending. We only rent the "condo"
we are living in, because it was through a real estate mistake,
the large debt, and suicidal depression that followed that I
became a Christian. So at that time the house represented a very
low cost refuge if we would ever need it.)
2) Our first tenant, a young lady, (a veterinary intern)
wanted the house for 3 years, which suited us at the
time because I wasn't planning to retire until Dec 1999
at the very earliest(age 55), but the Vet clinic laid
her off when business was slow.
3) our second tenant, a young man, announced in
December that
he was moving back home with his wife.
4) I said to Lynne that we shouldn't be in a hurry to rent the
house for a couple of months until we knew what was happening
at MTS (Manitoba Telecom Services, formerly Manitoba Telephone System)
(The CRTC [the Federal regulator of Telco's] had refused our
requested rate increase and that was likely to force another
round of "downsizing")
5) Jan 17, 1998 MTS announced they would be laying off 350 people.
6) The two other unions CEP and IBEW were offered a
VTIP(voluntary termination incentive plan.) To qualify
would have to declare their intentions by Feb 18 for a
departure date of Feb 27.
time and had been at it for 5 months. They finally reached
an understanding and set up dates for membership meetings
around the Province and set Feb 17 as the ratification date.
8) I began to study the contract and I realised that I just might
have the "rule of 80" (age + years of service = 80) in time to take
an early retirement. I called Personnel to get an official date, They
said March 20.
9) I began to count the days. IF the contract was ratified Feb 17,
then Feb 18 was the earliest day that a VTIP could be issued
for our
your intention to go early takes us to MARCH 20. It began to look like
I just might be eligible for an early retirement package and avoid the risk of
a layoff.
10)Wait, Wait, Sweat, hope, pray, trust that He had
this thing all worked out
and it would come out all right. By the grace of God I had just
missed being laid off in April of 1997, and I would surely be on the short list
this time.
The Facts as they happened.
2)VTIP package issued Feb 18
3)Closing date Mar 20
4)Ralph's "rule of 80" Mar 20
5)VTIP package arrives on Ralph's desk (right on schedule) Feb 18 at 08:06AM
6)VTIP read, signed, witnessed, delivered to Personnel Feb 18 at 08:31AM
7)Ralph's last day at MTS Mar 27, 1998
8)Condominium lease expires, May 31, 1998
9)The house at Hamiota is vacant. Moving complete
10) This Chapter closed
11) New Chapter begins
I'm convinced that there was no way the
have reached an agreement until I would be protected from harm.
Be encouraged Saints. He has the plans worked out for your delivery from this
world system.
Keep walking in close fellowship with Him, and keep your ears open. He cares,
He has a plan, He is speaking, He will deliver.
Map of Canada showing
our new Home