Not long after I posted the word below—approximately
five years ago, a new political party gained power that took the nation onto a
path of unrighteousness and dark policies. This has given great impetus
to the prayer movement in this nation, moved to awaken the Body of Christ, and
to the importance of elections and the power of the vote. I am now
re-posting this word as I believe God has heard the cry coming forth from the
hearts of His people and is about to move to take dominion of the Dominion of
Canada that belongs to Him. Let us as Canadians declare across this nation from
sea to shining sea, “Canadaarise now to your God given destiny!” I
believe it is time for all the prophecies given to this nation by numerous
prophets to come forth. Please everyone, get out and cast your vote for Kingdom
Over the past few weeks the Lord has been stirring my
heart in regard to Canada’s
destiny and a coming invasion of the angelic host. God has chosen specific
nations, released to run at appointed times in History as a catalyst for the
unfolding of His transcendent plan. The primary example being Israel,
the nation chosen for the establishment of the Throne of God, the container of
the whole counsel of God, and the centre of His administrations through whom He
has moved out to take dominion of the earth. From Jerusalem,
to Judea, to Samaria
the Gospel went to the ends of the earth, also by way of certain Gentile
nations raised up in appointed seasons. Through Rome,
Christianity spread throughout Europe and on to Africa,
from Constantinople to the Soviet Union;
through Spain
to the Americas
and through Great Britain
to the Commonwealth nations. It is very important to understand that no
nation can usurp the position God has ordained for Israel
or represent the Promised Land from where Jesus will rule and reign over the
The United States of
America was held in reserve and honored as a land of promise for the escape of religious
persecution and to bless the nations of the world with the Gospel. God has
given the United States
great military power and wealth to become the force that restrains evil on the
earth. The United States
was also chosen to stand as a strong ally and friend to the nation of Israel,
to support its growth, guard His purposes contained in it, and protect it from
the enemies of God!
God is now set to bring forth the last catalytic
nation to the forefront—Canada, also
held in reserve for such a time. Canada
has been chosen to play a significant role in the completion of God’s
intentions in the last days before His return! Canada’s
mandate is not in relation to its military might but rather, God will invest
this nation with spiritual might and authority to enforce key strategies and
divine tactical maneuvers in His end-time campaign.
While writing this word, in reference to Canada,
I heard the Lord clearly say, “Last
Runner.” In researching that phrase, I discovered that the last
runner in a relay race is called the ANCHOR RUNNER. The anchor runner is responsible for preserving
the anchor leg, or last leg
of the race!
has prepared Canada
for the glory of His Presence, to be the Anchor Runner. Canada
will preserve the lead and gains the United
States has made on the last leg of the Divine Journey, to begin the work of
preparing the last day Sanctuary that receives Christ! Canada
will be used by God to bring forth the yet awaited revelation of the One New Man that Jesus died for, in an
authentic union with Israel
and with God! In the future Canada
will become a sign and wonder to the nations of the world as a nation that
resides under the Glory, favor and blessing of God by
its choice to bless Israel!
The three crowns that form the maple leaf on the
Canadian flag represent God’s Throne of Righteousness and Justice established
in this land. The two bars of red on either side of the leaf represent
the Blood and the double supernatural ‘Grace, Grace’ to complete the work to
bring forth the Headstone—an apostolic generation raised up as the Mature Man,
in a Holy union of purpose with Christ! (Zech. 4:7, Eph. 4:13).
The great nation of Canada
is poised at the entrance of a season of great national revival! The Church
of Canada must make the choice to
AWAKEN AND ARISE, to triumph over the forces
of darkness pressing in at its gates, with determination to overtake the
nation. It is time for Canada
to arise to the Glorious destiny Almighty God has purposed for it! This Mighty
move of His Spirit has been revealed to many prophetic voices dating back as
far as 1776:
Around 1776 zealous
Americans sought to persecute the British Empire
Loyalists who had turned north to settle in Canada
in order to remain under the British rule. The Spirit of the Lord spoke
through the prophets of the Puritan Reformers saying: “Do not hinder
these people, let them move to Canada.
Do not seek to incorporate the land
of Canada into America.
I am in the independence of America
from Britain,
and will mightily use this country. But Canada
has been reserved by Me for the last days for a
special work.” (Peter Marshall: The Light and The
has been ordained by God FOR A SPECIAL WORK,
to play a critical role in the outworking of God’s plan to unveil the Bride of
Christ in preparation for union with the Bridegroom. This nation has an
ambassadorial call, to apostolic leadership, to represent God’s strategies for
the closing of this age, and for the unification of the Body of Christ, in its
transformation into the Bride of Christ! In years past I have had three
significant revelations from God in regard to Canada
that I believe have been reserved for now.
In the first vision I saw the map
of North America, and as I looked at the map Canadashifted and was lifted up as a holy
offering onto God. As I continued to look, the entire nation burst into
fiery red and golden flames. As I continued to marvel at this sight the
nation was raised upward and became a Golden Crown.
The second
revelation I received came as I was leading an Intercessory
prayer meeting for Canada;
as we were praying, the Lord led me to Luke 14:7-11 a parable about a wedding
“So He told a
parable to those who were invited, when He noted how they chose the best
places, saying to them: “When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, do
not sit down in the best place, lest one more honorable
than you be invited by him; and he who invited you and him come and say to you,
‘Give place to this man,’ and then you begin with shame to take the lowest
place. But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that
when he who invited you comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.”
The Lord then said that Canada
had been faithful over the years to remain in the background in humility, that
it was time for Canada
to come to the forefront and take its place in the destiny of God, as He
intends to show up in this nation in a mighty and momentous move! God is
now saying to Canada:
The third
revelation God gave me was through a dream: I was on a
white horse seated behind the Lord, holding on to Him. I was wearing a
Bridal dress and the train was very long and blowing in the wind as we were
flying above the clouds. We then descended through the clouds and I began
to see the earth below. We flew closer to the earth towards North
America. I then saw Canada.
We flew very quickly toward its Eastern coastline then suddenly stopped just
outside of Canada.
We sat there looking across the nation of Canada;
it was very bright, lit up with white
light. Wide beams of white light were extending up into the heavens
from the entire nation, coast to coast. I then saw a thick white cloud
descending over Canada.
As I looked closer, I then realized that it was not a cloud at all, but rather,
thousands and thousands of angels descending upon the nation. We stayed
outside of Canada
observing this; there was the sense in me, almost of urgency—more like a
striving to get moving and enter the nation. I wanted to prompt the horse
and move the Lord to enter… the vision then ended.
As I prayed to the Lord about what this meant, and why
we did not enter, I sensed that His response was that it was not yet time! That in the fullness of time HE WOULD ENTER, and when He did enter, all Canada
would know it! The white beams of light ascending to Heaven represented
the intercessory prayers of the saints that have been going up through a
multitude of prayer movements and Houses of Prayer, across this nation from
coast to coast. As a result, an invasion of the angelic host was being
released to prepare the nation for a mighty end-time move of God!
Many nations around the earth such as Korea
have heard God’s call to prayer for Canada
and hundreds of thousands have been faithfully praying over the years! Many
prophets and leaders have prophesied great things for Canada
such as YonggiCho, Kenneth
Copeland, Cindy Jacobs and Chuck pierce (many
of these prophecies can be found on the internet). Leaders such as
David Damien—an Egyptian Christian, must be honored
for answering the call to come to Canada to lay the groundwork of cleansing the
land of antisemitism and prejudice, to prepare it for
its Divine historic mandate!
history God has used key nations as runners to
carry the baton on the Divine journey of the Ascent to Union
with Christ! As in a relay race, each runner must hand off the baton to
the next runner within the assigned zone. We are now entering the zone of the fullness of times—the time of completion of
the House of God and the summing up of all things in Christ, contained in the
dynamics of the Feast of Tabernacles. This will be fulfilled in the season of Parousia—the Season
of His Presence, when the level of His Presence will rise exponentially!!
It is time to bless Canada,
to intercede for Canada,
to cheer her on in her call to run the race well, to finish the Divine circuit,
and tohand
the baton back to Israel.
Now, my son, may
the LORD be with you; and may you prosper, and build the house of the LORD your
God, as He has said to you. Only may the LORD give you wisdom and
understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel,
that you may keep the law of the LORD your God… Therefore arise and build
the sanctuary of the LORD God…” 1 Chronicles 22:9-14
In long relays, runners begin with a slow jog, looking
back to the previous runner while holding out their hand to receive the
baton. I believe God is saying to America,
BEGUN TO RUN; she has been
looking back to you over the years, receiving much treasure from you, and now,
is now holding out her hand, to take her place in the race and run the Anchor
Leg to the finish line! Canada
and the United States
share the longest border in the world, we
are friends, allies and most importantly we share a divine destiny in Christ to
partner together to serve the purposes of the King! I believe God is
asking the United States and all nations to now stand with Canada and
under-gird His purposes with prayer, intercession and partnerships for the
Canadian elections on the 21st of October, as this nation is
significant to God’s unfolding plan!!